Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Naptime for Ava- 19 Weeks

Ava has begun to suck her thumb. She mainly does it when she sleeps but every now and again she will do it when sh e is hungry. I took this picture this morn ing as Ava took her morning nap in her crib. She is still sleeping in her bassinet, but I am working on transitioning Ava (and Andrea) to her crib. Ava has really found her voice the last two weeks and coos and screeches out loud a lot. We also bought Ava her high chair in preparation for cereal and solids in the upcoming weeks. She seems to like to sit in it, especially with Mommy and Daddy there to talk, laugh, and pick up her toys she throws off the tray. Grandma and Grandpa Holmes are coming up tomorrow and we will be heading to the city market and then to lunch. It is getting harder and harder for Mommy to share Ava with school just two weeks away. Mommy is already hating the idea of leaving Ava everyday. But Ava will do great in the cheering section at Mommy's softball games.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

4 Months- 18 weeks old

Ava rolled over on July 13th 2010 with no cameras on. And once we got the camera out... she would not do it again. She did it with such ease when Matt was holding a toy out to her side. We have known for several weeks that she was able just not willing. But we all yelled and celebrated when she did it and I am sure the celebrating will go on until it becomes an everyday occurance. Today, we had a future falcon playdate over at our house. 6 Babies and 5 Mommies. Ava got to play with Adrian, Chloe, McKenna, Carlie, and Caylin for 2 whole hours. Yes there was the occational breakdown, but all the babies were very happy and interested in the light toys and of course the ceiling fan. It will be even more interesting when they all become mobile. Ava is now putting herself to sleep on most nights. She gets fed, cuddled, and then laid down. She will kick for a bit, find her thumb, and then is off to sleep. The last 2 nights we have put on a new sleeper for bedtime. She is now wearing size 6-9 sleepers... holy cow. I just realized we are not going to have any clothes later this year if she keeps growing at this rate. Her closet doesn't have many clothes past 9 months. We are off to get shots tomorrow (tear tear) and I am sure I will tear up whether she does or not. More to come soon!

Friday, July 9, 2010

4th of July

Ava was dressed up in her red, white , and blue colors to celebrate the 4th with family. We had family come over to our house this year to cook out and shoot off fireworks. Everybody had a good time until the rain came...just as it was time to shoot off fireworks. It took us a few days but we finally were able to shoot off the fireworks. Ava has started to suck her thumb now. We've tried to get pictures but it seems like she knows what we're up to and pulls her thumb out when we get the camera out. Pictures to come soon!